How To Find the Right Eyebrows for Different Face Shapes

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How To Find the Right Eyebrows for Different Face Shapes

Are you a cosmetologist wondering how to make your clients look their best? Every face is unique, and finding the right eyebrow shape can enhance different facial features. When it comes to creating symmetry in any facial structure, knowing which eyebrow shapes work best for certain faces is essential. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to find the right eyebrows for the five main face shapes—oval, round, square, heart, and long. Keep reading to learn all of our tips!

Understanding Face Shapes

Before diving into the various eyebrow shapes best suited for each face type, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of different face shapes. This will help you make more informed decisions when shaping and styling your client’s eyebrows.

Oval Face Shape

Often considered the ideal face shape, the oval has a harmonious balance between facial features. An oval face has a softly rounded forehead and chin, with the cheekbones slightly wider than the forehead and jawline.

Round Face Shape

With a round face, the width and length are roughly equal in measurement. The chin is slightly curved, but overall, the face appears circular.

Square Face Shape

A square face has a broad forehead and a strong, square jawline. The length and width of the face are roughly equal.

Heart Face Shape

A heart-shaped face features a broad forehead that tapers to a narrow chin with high cheekbones in between.

Long Face Shape

A long face is longer than it is wide, with a rectangular shape and a sharp chin. The cheekbones may either be high or undefined.

How To Determine Your Client’s Face Shape

Before you can help your client find the right eyebrows for their face shape, it’s important to determine what shape their face is.

To determine the shape of your client’s face, you’ll need to measure their facial features. Start by measuring the width of the forehead and cheekbones. Then, measure from the hairline to the tip of their chin. Lastly, measure across the jawline at its widest point.

Once you’ve taken the measurements, compare them to the basic face shapes listed above. If the measurements are roughly equal, your client has a round face shape. If they’re slightly longer than they are wide, your client has an oval face shape. On the other hand, if they’re much longer than they are wide, your client has a long face shape. If their forehead and jawline are wider than their cheekbones and their chin looks pointed, your client has a heart-shaped face. Or if the measurements are all roughly equal and their jawline is square, your client has a square face shape.

Once you’ve determined your client’s face shape, you can then work on finding the right eyebrows for their facial features. Knowing what face shape they have will help you recommend the best eyebrow shape for them.

Eyebrow Shapes for Different Face Shapes

Now that you are familiar with the different types of face shapes and how to determine which one your client has, you can begin to apply this knowledge when shaping and styling their eyebrows. No matter what their face shape is, your goal is always to achieve symmetry and balance to enhance their features. Let’s take a closer look at which eyebrow styles work best for each face shape.

Oval Face Shape

Since oval faces are the ideal face shape, most eyebrow shapes will work perfectly. However, a soft-angled arch works best as it complements the natural contours of the face without being too dramatic. This shape involves a gentle upward slope toward the arch, followed by a subtle downward slope toward the tail of the brow.

Round Face Shape

For round faces, a high arch is the way to go. This elongates the face and adds some much-needed structure. The arch should be sharp and defined to create contrast against the roundness of the face. Keep the tails of the brows extended to create an illusion of length.

Square Face Shape

The ideal eyebrow shape for square faces is a bit more complicated—a delicate balance between a soft curve and a slightly angled arch. This softens the angular features while still providing some definition. You should keep the thickness of the brow uniform throughout to further soften the look.

Heart Face Shape

Since heart-shaped faces tend to be top-heavy, a low arch with a rounded shape works best. This creates a more balanced appearance by drawing attention away from the wide forehead and adding focus to the lower part of the face. Avoid overly arched brows, as this can make the forehead appear even wider.

Long Face Shape

For long faces, a flat and slightly thick eyebrow with a soft arch functions best. This gives an illusion of width and breaks up the vertical length of the face. Extending the tails of the brows slightly horizontally can further balance the face.

As you can see, there’s no one-size-fits-all eyebrow shape. However, by taking into account the client’s individual features and face shape, you can create a look that enhances their natural beauty. All it takes is some practice and experimentation to master the art of eyebrow shaping!

To conclude, eyebrows have the power to completely transform a person’s appearance, and understanding how to find the right shape for different face shapes is essential in creating beautiful results. There’s a lot to consider when it comes to eyebrow shaping, as different shapes require different effects. As a cosmetologist, staying up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques can ensure that you deliver beautiful results for your clients every time.

But knowledge isn’t all that cosmetologists need to craft unforgettable brow looks. They also need to have the right products on hand. Elleebana Store USA’s Elleeplex brow lamination products allow you to create beautiful and long-lasting eyebrow shapes that will fit any face shape. With Elleeplex, your clients can have the perfect eyebrows every time! Get your brow lamination products from Elleebana Store USA and let your clients thank you for their amazing new looks.

How To Find the Right Eyebrows for Different Face Shapes

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