How To Fix a Lash Lift That Comes Out Too Curly
Posted by Julia Lucarelli on

As a professional cosmetologist, you’re likely familiar with the beautiful results of a lash lift—longer-looking, lifted, and curled lashes for an eye-catching look that your clients love. But sometimes, things don’t go quite as planned, and you end up with more curl than expected.
If this has happened to your client, don’t worry; there are solutions available for fixing a lash lift that comes out too curly. Keep reading to learn why this can happen and how you can take corrective action without making matters worse.
What Causes Overly Curly Lashes?
What causes overly curly lashes after a lash lift? Here are some of the most common culprits of this undesirable result.
You Left the Lash Lift Solution On Too Long
If you leave the lifting solution on your client’s lashes for too long, it can overly curl or overprocess the lashes. So be sure to remove the product after the recommended timing. Recommended processing time will vary slightly depending on whether you’re using Elleebana One Shot or Elleeplex Profusion. Also, the condition of your client’s natural lashes can require you to change the processing time. A thorough assessment of your client’s lashes is required.
You Used the Wrong Sized Rod or Shield
If you use an incorrectly sized rod or shield on the client’s eyes, it can result in overly curled lashes as well. Make sure you use the right size rod or shield according to your client’s eye shape and natural lash length.
You Applied Solution Too High on the Lashes
Applying the lash lift solution more than three quarters of the way up the lash can cause the lashes to over curl. Be sure to apply the product evenly and never go over the hump of the rod with the One Shot solution.
You Placed the Shield Incorrectly
If you don’t place the rod or shield properly or place the lashes incorrectly on the rod or shield, it can result in overly curled lashes or lashes pointing in varying directions. So make sure you fully seat the shield and keep it in place before starting the procedure.
You Forgot To Wash the Lifting Solutions Out
If you don’t fully remove the lifting solutions, the lashes will continue to process and eventually overprocess. After applying the setting solution, make sure to give your client a thorough lash bath so that the lashes don’t continue to process.
If you’re dealing with lashes that are too curly due to an incorrect rod or shield size, we have good news! Using the incorrect rod or shield size won’t damage the lash hairs, meaning the curl is the only issue at hand. You can relax the lashes using the same solutions.
But if your client’s curls are the result of overprocessing or leaving the solution on for extended periods, now’s when things get tricky. Overprocessing can result in dryness, frizz, and even premature lash shedding. There’s no easy fix for damaged lashes. You’ll need to wait until new, healthy growth comes in before attempting another chemical treatment and have your client apply Elleebana’s Elleeplex Aftercare to help bring them back to life.
The Difference Between “Too Curly” and “Too Lifted”
It’s important to distinguish between “too curly” and “too lifted.” Too curly means the lashes are bending inward in a dramatic, overexaggerated way. Too lifted, on the other hand, means that lashes didn’t adhere to the rod or shield correctly, typically because the rod or shield was too small. As a result, the lashes point too far upward.
Study your client’s lashes carefully and determine whether the curl or the lift is the problem. The solutions for each issue are different, so if you guess wrong, you could damage the lashes or make the problem worse. If you think your client has overly curled lashes, make sure you know that for sure before moving on to the next step.
How Do You Fix Overly Curly Lashes?
If your client’s lashes come out too curly after a lift, don’t worry! With a little extra effort and care, you’ll be able to relax the lash lift and get your client the look they want. Here are a few quick, easy, and effective methods for fixing a lash lift that comes out too curly.
Wait Until the Lashes Fall Out and Regrow
If your client’s lashes come out too curly, one solution is for them to wait until the curly lashes fall out and new ones grow in their place. This will take some time, so patience is key here. On average, it takes four to eight weeks for the lashes to fall out and regrow. This isn’t the fastest solution or most ideal solution for your client.
Relax the Lash Lift Using the Same Solutions
Apply the lifting solution using a spoolie for no more than two to three minutes, brushing them out or against the lift. This will break down the bonds of the lifting solution and should cause the lashes to relax and straighten out. Then, follow up with the setting solution in the same manner with a minute less timing than the lifting solution.
Apply Elleeplex Aftercare
Your client can apply Elleeplex Aftercare on the lashes daily to soften the curl, nourish and hydrate the lashes, and bring the lashes back to their natural shape.
If you’re a salon owner or cosmetologist dealing with the unfortunate issue of a lash lift that has come out too curly, don’t worry. By following the above tips and tricks, you can ensure that your clients have the perfect lash lift look. Remember to take your time and pay attention to detail when performing this service! Your clients will thank you for it.
And don’t forget to visit Elleebana Store USA for professional-grade supplies to help you create perfect lifts! Here, you’ll find an array of products designed specifically for lash lifting and perfecting the look, including premium rods and shields, setting lotions, removers, and more. We also have Elleebana lash lift refills so that you can quickly and easily restock the essentials when you run out. With our professional supplies, you can take control of the lifting process for beautiful results every time.