Eyebrow Tinting Facts Beauty Artists Should Know

Posted by Elyse Aufmann on

Eyebrow Tinting Facts Beauty Artists Should Know

Brow tinting is a treatment that's perfect for those who want darker, thicker brows without needing to apply eyebrow makeup every morning. Here are some eyebrow tinting facts beauty artists should know if they want to learn more about this treatment and why it's all the rage!

It Works

Yes, brow tinting works! The brow tinting process is similar to dyeing the hair on your head. The dye coats the surface of the hair shafts and sits there, temporarily altering the color of the brows.

You can dye brows every color of the rainbow. However, dyeing to a shade that's lighter than the natural color of the brows requires bleaching the hairs beforehand.

It's Safe

You might have heard some rumors floating around claiming that brow tinting is unsafe. In fact, brow tinting is even banned in California and Massachusetts!

But the brow tinting process itself isn't unsafe. The reason brow tinting is banned in California and Massachusetts is that the FDA refuses to approve certain brow tinting products for use on the face.

Using tinting products on the face does have risks, the main ones being allergic reactions and skin infections due to the thinner skin of the face. But when performed by a professional using high-quality products, brow tinting is normally safe.

As a beauty artist, you can reduce the likelihood of reactions and infections by asking clients about their allergies and sensitivities and testing products on a small patch of skin before moving forward with the full treatment.

It's Long Lasting

Another eyebrow tinting fact beauty artists should know is that tint treatments are remarkably long lasting. Tinting lasts as long as nonpermanent hair dye. On average, each tint application lasts six to eight weeks.

Some tint applications will last even longer—tint can remain in the hair for its entire life span, only disappearing once the individual hairs shed naturally.

It Benefits All Kinds of Brows

People with sparse or light-colored brows will achieve the most noticeable results from tinting. But that doesn't mean people with thicker and darker brows shouldn't bother!

Tinting can benefit brows no matter their color, texture, and thickness. On dark, thick brows, it can darken and thicken the hair even more and enhance and define the brows' natural shape.

Elleebana Store USA's Belmacil eyebrow tints are the perfect way to make your clients’ brows darker and thicker or add a bold pop of color. Shop with us today for brow tint products and other Elleebana must-haves!

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